First Presbyterian Church
401 South Denton Street, Gainesville, Texas 72640
Office: 940-665-5153
Fax: 940-665-1306
Email: fpcgaines@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.firstpresbyteriangainesville.net
We are happy that you have expressed a desire to be married in First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, Texas. This indicates to us and to your friends that you want the blessing of the Church on the covenant of your marriage. The church sets forth these policies to assist you in making plans for your wedding.
1. CHURCH CAPACITY – The seating capacity of the sanctuary is 240 people. The fire code does not permit us to place chairs for additional seating at the back of the sanctuary. We can use the choir loft for additional seating if it is not being used by musicians.
2. SETTING THE DATE – The couple should affirm the date and hour of the wedding with the minister and wedding coordinator before making any public announcement to determine that the church is available. This contact should be made at least two months prior to the wedding date.
3. REHEARSAL – Unless the wedding is unusually small, a rehearsal date should also be set. The best time for this is usually the night before the wedding. One hour should be allowed for the rehearsal and it should be set for a time when all who are to participate can be present and on time. If longer than one hour is needed, please request additional time from the Wedding Coordinator well in advance. The rehearsal will cover all aspects of the wedding service, including ushering, candle lighting, processional, recessional, ceremony, etc.
4. THE MINISTER – The minister of this church officiates at all weddings. In the event the couple desires another minister of a Christian denomination to be involved in the ceremony, they may request permission from the minister of this church. Under no circumstances shall the couple arrange for another minister to be involved with a wedding at this church without first consulting the minister and wedding coordinator of this church.
Please note: The minister of this church requires that couples he/she is to join in matrimony attend two pre-marital counseling sessions. There is no additional charge for these counseling sessions and every effort will be made to schedule a time that is convenient to all parties.
5. THE WEDDING CEREMONY – The ceremony should suggest a marriage service worshipful in nature, incorporating proper structure and traditional elements, with a flexible style reflecting both the heritage of the church and the preferences or life situation of the couple.
6. SANCTUARY FURNITURE PLACEMENT - When a place such as this is set aside for Christian worship, it should visibly express the integral relation between Word and Sacrament and their centrality in worship. Therefore, the Pulpit, Baptismal Font, Communion Table and vestments are witnesses to God revealed in Jesus Christ. The Baptismal Font and Communion Table will be removed (by church personnel), but the Pulpit and vestments must remain in their places.
7. ORGANIST – The church organist has the option of first refusal to provide musical accompaniment at all weddings where an organist is needed. Outside organists are welcome with the approval of our church organist. Use of discretion is imperative in the choice of organ music, vocal or other instrumental selections. The music, whether played or sung, shall be in keeping with the character of a sacred service, and shall be approved by the officiating minister and/or music director.
The couple must contact the organist directly to secure the date of the wedding and to make selections of music.
8. CHANCEL DECORATIONS – Arrangements for floral decorations are made through the florist or individual of your choice. Decorations should be appropriate for use in a service of worship. Pew bows may only be tied, no nails or tacks may be used. Our church is 100+ years of age and great care shall be given to help us maintain our historic building. It is expected that arrangements will be made by the bride and groom or their families to remove flowers/decorations immediately after the wedding. If you would like the church to use the flowers, we will be happy to do so.
The church has a kneeler and candelabras which you are welcome to use. Only dripless candles may be used in the Sanctuary. The church provides the white candles for our candelabras.
9. PHOTOGRAPY – Pictures during the wedding ceremony shall not be permitted by family or the photographer. Photos are allowed as the wedding party walks down the aisle but as soon as the wedding party assembles, and the minister starts speaking it becomes a worship service and no photos are taken past this point until the couple exits. Any desired wedding pictures should be posed before or after the service of worship. The use of stationary video equipment is permitted during the service. Placement and use of the video camera should not be disruptive to the service.
10. RECEPTION – Tyler Fellowship Hall is available for wedding receptions. The capacity for the hall is 110 people. Receptions held in the church should reflect propriety consistent with the joys of Christian celebration.
No alcoholic beverages are permitted in the church or on the grounds of the church. The hall must be cleared of all decorations and equipment immediately following the reception.
11. THE MARRIAGE LICENSE – The couple shall secure a lawful marriage license at least 72 hours before the wedding service and present it to the minister officiating at the time of the rehearsal. Following the ceremony, the officiating minister will return the license to the County Clerk in the county of issue, who officially records the license and returns it to the couple.
12. CHURCH ACCESS – The church is normally open weekdays between 8:30AM and Noon Monday thru Friday. You may use this time to decorate the sanctuary and Tyler Fellowship Hall or to make deliveries. If these activities must be done after hours or on the weekend, special arrangements must be made with the wedding coordinator and additional church access fees are charged.
The wedding party is welcome to use the church facilities for dressing before the wedding and to take pictures. Normal access time is two hours before the time of the ceremony. Additional time can be arranged at an additional fee. (Please see list of wedding fees).
13. CONDITION OF CHURCH PROPERTY - It is assumed that the facilities will be left in the same condition as they were prior to the wedding. If there is any damage, or if extensive cleaning is
required beyond what is normally expected, the additional expenses will be deducted from the wedding deposit.
A) In wishing the couple Godspeed, only birdseed or bubbles may be used, and they may only be used outside the church building.
B) The wedding will be recorded in the minutes of the Session of the church and in the church’s official register.
C) If the church should be without a minister, the Worship and Music Ministry, together with the Moderator of the Session, will fulfill the role of minister as contained in this policy.
D) At no time may alcoholic beverages be allowed on church property.
Reservation Deposit:
$150.00 Make check payable to First Presbyterian Church
Reservation deposit must be paid at the time of reserving the church. Upon receipt of deposit, your wedding date will be entered on the church calendar. This deposit will be refunded after the wedding, if the church is left clean and in good order. The wedding party is expected to be responsible for all other needs and must leave the facility as found prior to the service (fixtures, tables, chairs, etc.)
Make total check payable to First Presbyterian Church based on the following.
$150.00 Sanctuary
$100.00 Tyler Hall (used for Reception}
$100.00 Tyler Hall (used for Rehearsal Dinner)
$ 25.00 / hour Additional church access
$150.00 Payable (name to be provided)
The minister regards the conduct of weddings to be an important part of pastoral ministry. Compensation is to be paid directly to the minister.
Church Staff:
The church staff, other than the minister, are part time employees of the church. The Session regards the time spent in duties related to weddings extraordinary.
Therefore, the following fees, as applicable, have been approved as appropriate remuneration:
$100.00 Wedding Coordinator (Wedding & rehearsal) Payable (name to be provided)
$ 50.00 Wedding Coordinator (Reception in Tyler Hall) Payable (name to be provided)
$ 50.00 Wedding Coordinator (Rehearsal dinner in Tyler Hall) Payable (name to be provided)
$100.00 Custodian (Wedding only) Payable (name to be provided)
$ 50.00 Custodian (Reception in Tyler Hall) Payable (name to be provided)
$ 50.00 Custodian (Rehearsal dinner in Tyler Hall) Payable (name to be provided)
$150.00 Organist (Wedding & rehearsal) Payable Dr. Jeffrey Schleff
$ 15.00/hour Nursery Attendant Payable (name to be provided)
Please note: Any damage to the church will be the responsibility of the person making the reservations for the wedding whose signature is noted on the “Wedding Policies” signature page.
The above minister and staff fees are due in the church office at least two weeks prior to the wedding. Mail to First Presbyterian Church, P O Box 751, Gainesville, TX 76241-0751, or bring to 401 S. Denton Street
First Presbyterian Church Wedding Agreement
We have read the “Wedding Policy” of First Presbyterian Church of Gainesville, Texas, and we agree to abide by them for our wedding.
__________________________________ Print Name _________________________________
Bride’s Signature Date: _____________
__________________________________ Print Name _________________________________
Groom’s Signature Date:_____________
Information About Our Wedding
Wedding Date: ____________________________ Time: _______________________
Rehearsal Date: ____________________________ Time: ______________________
If you have another minister which you wish to be involved in the ceremony with Rev. Hare, please note below:
Minister: ________________________________ Denomination: __________________________
Bride’s Attendants (#) _______ Groom’s Attendants (#) ________
Flower Girl _____(y/n) Ring Bearer _____(y/n)
Do you want to use the church’s candelabras? _____ (y/n) Do you want to use the church's kneeler? _____ (y/n)
Bride’s Contact Information:
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Phone #s: Home: _________________________ Work: ________________________
Cell: ______________________ Email Address: ______________________________
Groom’s Contact Information:
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Phone #s: Home: _________________________ Work: ________________________
Cell: ______________________ Email Address: ______________________________
Contact Information for First Presbyterian Church
Church Office: 940-665-5153