In 1903, Dr. C.T. Hughes bought an automobile for his son Roy, then 15 years old. It was the first car in Cooke County. It was dark when the deliverymen got to the town of Valley View in Cooke County. With no headlights, the men could go no further. So they hired a team of horses to bring the car to Gainesville. Several years later, now a physician himself, Roy joined the First Presbyterian Church.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
January 12, 1925
The pastor reported the following persons coming into the church by letter and statement: Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Kidd and Jasper Guy Estes.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
March 30, 1925
The pastor submitted the following names for membership in the church: Melvin Wright, Mrs. Melvin Wright, W.G. Wingert, Mrs. J.C. Allen, Mrs. May Thornton, Mrs. L.A. Wiggins, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson and two daughters, Mrs. W.H. Ellison, Mrs. W.F. Bagley, all by letter. Zelma Armstrong and Carl Moore by experience and baptism, W.H. Ellison and W.F. Bagley by experience. The session voted unanimously to enroll their names.
*Side note from church historian: The meeting adjourned on account of the serious illness of Dr. A.L. Bryan, a member of the session.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
April 6, 1925
The pastor submitted the following names for membership in the church: Myrtle Anna Brooks, by experience and baptism. Dr. Roy E. Hughes, E.I. McGee and Mrs. E.I. McGee by letter. They were unanimously received.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
May 4, 1925
The pastor presented the following names for membership in the church: Wm. Ames Garnett and Myrta Helen Newton by experience. John Barlow, Jr. and Anderson King by experience and baptism. Mrs. W.D. McCormick, H.A. Bell, J.M. Bell, Mrs. J.M. Bell, Jack Bell, Glennie Bell, Shearon A. Bryan, Austin D. Bryan by letter. They were unanimously received as regular communicants of the church.
W.W. Leverett, W. H. McDaniel, and H.O. McCain were named as a committee to draft suitable resolutions on the death of Dr. A.L. Bryan, a member of the session of this church.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
June 1, 1925
The pastor submitted the name of J.M. Russell to become a member of the church on profession of faith and baptism. He was unanimously received.
The Presbyterian Church at Myra having been dissolved by presbytery and its membership having been transferred to the First Presbyterian church at Gainesville, the session took cognizance of the death of Mrs. J.M. Russell of the Myra church, offered an obituary and same was read from the pulpit of the church.
Minutes from Regular Meeting
July 6, 1925
The pastor submitted the names of D.H. Sarles, Ewing Gregory, John Findley and Mrs. C.A. Faulkner to become members of this church by letter and they were unanimously received.
Minutes from Regular Meeting
August 31, 1925
The pastor reported the names of Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Soule as coming into the church by letter. They were unanimously received.
Minutes from Regular Meeting
September 28, 1925
The following Sunday school officers and teachers were elected for the ensuing year:
General Superintendents: W.W. Leverett and Alex Canon. Supervisor of bigger Sunday school: Alex Canon. General Secretary: Mrs. W.W. Leverett.
Asst. General Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. J.G. Estes
Pianist and director of orchestra: Mrs. A.H. Mahaffey
Teachers, Intermediate, Senior and Young Peoples: Mrs. F.H. Turbeville, Miss Minnie Frasher, Mrs. J.H. Midkiff, Mrs. Otwell, Miss Willie Frankenberger, Miss Emma Eubank, Mr. J.G. Estes.
Supt. of Elementary Dept.: Miss Eva Noble. Asst. Supt. Elementary Dept.: Mrs. C.L. Sarles.
Supt. Missionary Education: Mrs. R.E. Joiner
Supt. Cradle Roll: Mrs. Gideon Bell.
Supt. of Beginners: Miss Mary Douglass Kennerly
Secretaries: Mrs. John McCarty and Mrs. Frank Morris, Jr.
Asst. Secretary: Mrs. Annie Stinson
Secretary of Literature: Miss Alice Rollins
Asst. Secretary: Miss Iva Ryan
Pianists: Mrs. Annie Stinson and Mrs. R.R. Cross
Teachers: Mrs. Irb Bateman, Mrs. Gideon Bell, Mrs. Chester Robb, Mrs. Alex Canon, Mrs. W.D. Garnett, Mrs. J.L. Griffin, Mrs. W.L. Ratcliff, Mrs. Arie Gudgel, Mrs. A.L. Bryan, Mrs. Annie Smith, Miss Joe Gilbert, Mr. Gideon Bell, Mr. Wayne Collins, Miss Francis Dayton, Miss Evelyn Fox.
Special Meeting of the Session
November 2, 1925
The pastor announced that the session was called together to receive Mr. Orr Morris into the church, and after having answered in the affirmative propounded him by the pastor, he was received with unanimous vote and was then baptized and received into full fellowship of the church.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
December 7, 1925
On motion letters of dismissal were granted to Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Gregg, to First Presbyterian Church, Howard, Kansas; and to Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Shell to Central Presbyterian Church, Sherman.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
February 8, 1926
The pastor presented the name of Mrs. Raymond King for membership by letter and she was unanimously received.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
March 8, 1926
The moderator presented the name of Cauline Marie Stark for membership by statement and baptism and she was unanimously received.
*Side note from church historian: the record says Cauline but her actual name was Pauline Marie Stark.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
March 24, 1926
Moderator presented the name of Nellie Lett for membership on confession of faith and baptism and she was unanimously received.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
April 5, 1926
The pastor presented the following names for membership in the church by letter: J.C. Wilkerson, Mrs. J.C. Wilkerson, F.H. Dayton, Mrs. F.H. Dayton, Frances Dayton, Greta Dayton, Mrs. J.T. Wilson, Ben Wilson. Also the following names by experience: Sybal Williams, Dorothy Wingert, Wilson Otto Kaden, C.L. Frederick. These were all unanimously received.
Letters of dismissal were granted to Mrs. Rubie Binyon Soule and son Jules to Hemphill church, Fort Worth. To Mrs. J.H. Lindley to City Temple, Dallas. To Miss Gertrude Schade to Central Presbyterian Church, Erie, Pennsylvania.
The annual report of the church and Sunday school to Presbytery was made out and approved. The pastor reported 36 additions to the church the past year—24 by letter and experience and 12 by confession and baptism.
Paul Cochran and Buron Soule were placed on the suspended roll of the church.
*Side note from church historian: the Kaden family have been in Gainesville for decades. Descendants of the family still run the Kaden Florist Company.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
May 31, 1926
The pastor reported the following names as coming into the church by letter and statement: Frank Schopmeyer, E.E. Shurig, Mrs. E.E. Shurig, and their three children. Bert Sharp, Mrs. Bert Sharp and son. On motion these were unanimously received.
The following members were dismissed by letter: Newton Gilbert, to First Presbyterian Church, Enid, Oklahoma. Sam Beattie to First Presbyterian Church, Wichita Falls, Texas.
*Side note from church historian: Frank Schopmeyer was the son of Henry Schopmeyer who served on the Gainesville City Council. Schopmeyer Street is named for him.
**Side note from church historian: Believe that the E.E. Shurig is actually Earnest Emil Schurig who was a well-known chef in town and also worked for the Harvey House restaurant and Santa Fe railroad as a chef.
Minutes from Special Meeting of Session
July 18, 1926
The pastor reported the following names for membership, which were unanimously received: Ernest Ryan of profession of faith. Mrs. S.M. King on statement.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
October 17, 1926
The letters of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson, from the First Presbyterian Church, Hillsboro, were presented by the pastor and on motion Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were received and enrolled as regular communicants of the congregation.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
November 21, 1926
The moderator presented the letter of Mrs. M.B. Stewart and on motion she was received as a regular communicant of the church.
Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session
December 5, 1926
Upon motion W.L. Blanton was received into membership of the church by letter.
Session minutes 1925-1926